DC Scrabble Club 171 Weekly Reports 2018

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Weekly Reports

Below are the reports from our Tuesday club meetings.

January 2, 2018 -- John Stinson, Director

Ted Gest                       4-2          +66        9  bingos

Greg Fox                       3-2         +217        6

Carol Tillson                  3-2         +204        8

Ted Mast                       3-2          -41        7

John Stinson                   2-2          -28        5

Swen Nippy                     2-3          -29        6

Shah Ali                       2-3         -162        8

Gary Emanuel                   1-4         -211        5

There were 54 bingos reported. * = Not acceptable

gatelike resites openers firings headings draping hastiest clearing denting infected finessed silkiest retrial meander auction stiffed satinet frontal billies relates teacake sailings atlases recanted petites rations tangoes dowagers switcher resoled merlins shorted insanest strawed bouvier unzipped engender endeared tripling dingles nitrate hotelers* sedging* towering misrated graplin inquired intended potable gaudies etesian ugliness hedonism grafters

Challenges reported. * = Not acceptable

recandle* gatelike recaned pitifuls* anear gaudies org cuer* noos* zanders graplin wid* mothing* navvy undurate*