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Word Study 2019

825 bytes added, 22:10, 15 December 2019
no edit summary
* Grade the 2-to-make-3s from the GSheet.
* 127 2s
* 93 2-letter racks
* Progress against current AnyMemo deck
* Inserts from Google sheet that are already in non-zer cardboxes
use DBI;
# Query as in input, and generate HTML table output
my $query = 'select * from data';
# 1) Connect and get DB handle
my $dbh = connect_db(); # use your own connection here
# 2) Run your query
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
my @loh = @{ $sth->fetchall_arrayref({}) };
my @cols = @{ $sth->{NAME} };
# 3) Generate HTML Table
my $thead = join('', map {"<td>$_</td>"} @cols);
my @rows = ();
for my $hr (@loh) {
push @rows, join('', map {"<td>$_</td>"} @{$hr}{@cols});
my $tbody = join ('', map {"<tr>$_</tr>"} @rows);
my $html = qq|<table> $thead <thead> $thead </thead> <tbody> $tbody </tbody> </table>|;
print $html;

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